Nakedness and the Bible




Paul M. Bowman
208 Pages
Paul Bowman’s book is his “magnum opus!”  Bowman has carefully examined all scriptures relating to nudity and nakedness, and even those passages that just hint to the topic, and has done so with the patience and skill of a neurosurgeon – so as to bring out the actual meaning that the Biblical writer wanted his readers to understand.  He is to be commended for dealing with a topic that is considered already “understood” or even “taboo” among Bible readers.  Bowman has shown that such understanding or taboo is not what is actually found in the Bible.  Rarely does one find a book on a topic that treats a topic exhaustively.  Even rarer is finding an exhaustive book on this topic.  Bowman more than gives us his opinion; in most cases he substantiates it from the Biblical text (English, Hebrew and Greek) and other historical documents from the Biblical period.  This book presents a very compelling case for what our society doesn’t understand – that there is good nakedness.  This is a must read for every Christian.
Table of contents:
  • Preface
  • Actual Nakedness in the Bible
  • Allegorical Nakedness in the Bible
  • Implied Nakedness in the Bible
  • Clothing during Bible Times
  • Lust and Nakedness
  • Passages used to Oppose Nakedness that do not mention nakedness
  • Epilogue
  • Appendix – Good Nakedness by Pastor Jeff Bowman
  • Scripture Index
  • Topical Index
  • Bibliography