Claire Franek – Marc Daniau (ill.)
Publisher: Rouergue
22cm x 22cm
40 pages
The book that was condemned in France par the president of the UMP party, Jean-François Copé. The Union pour un Mouvement Populaire (Union for a Popular Movement) is a right of centre political party. Nicolas Sarkozy, former president of France, is from the UMP.

Mais à quoi se préparent donc ces gens affairés ?
À se déshabiller ! Du bébé potelé aux voisins bruyants, de la mamie qui prend son temps au docteur un peu empoté, tous laissent joyeusement tomber leurs vêtements pour répondre au même appel, l’appel de la mer.
English translation of the summary:
What are these busy people getting ready for?
To get undressed! From a chubby baby to noisy neighbours, from a grandma who takes her time with an awkward doctor, all happily drop their clothes for the same reason, the call of the sea.
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